

Piraeus Bank Group, in the context of the anthropocentric philosophy that governs its business operation, places special emphasis -in Greece as well as in the other countries it is active- on those Corporate Responsibility principles that call for the protection and support of social partners and society as a whole. In particular, the Group develops initiatives that aim at the improvement of living conditions of vulnerable groups of the population, the general upgrade of living and cultural standards and the protection of the environment as a necessary prerequisite for the prosperity of the society.

Corporatre Responsibility Committee

Corporate Responsibility constitutes for Piraeus Bank Group an investment of strategic importance. Through it, the Bank contributes in any possible way to the upgrade of the economy and society, as well as to the rescue of the natural environment. The Corporate Responsibility Committee has been created since 2007 having as main objectives the following:

  • specification of the principles and the strategy of the Group’s Corporate Responsibility, the monitoring of their implementation and their evaluation,
  • target setting, coordination and evaluation of actions and programmes related to the pillars of Corporate Responsibility which promote sustainability
  • promotion of participation in programmes, co-operations, initiatives and funding instruments that strengthen the Group’s Corporate Responsibility.

The Strategic Objectives of the Committee:

  1. Empower Corporate Governance
    • Reinforce internal control and compliance structures
    • Empower transparency and accountability of the Group
    • Promote extroversion
  2. Activate Human Resources
    • Adopt excellent work practises that allow the ability development of employees
    • Create a common culture for Corporate Responsibility
    • Emphasise on the continuous environmental/social education and learning of employees
    • Promote volunteerism and the notion of social service
  3. Develop relations of Cooperation with our Shareholders and Partners
    • Inform our shareholders and investors about the strategy of the Group as well as for Corporate Responsibility issues
    • Promote synergies and support the society of citizens for the achievement of social & environmental obj
    • Train our customers in relation to their banking transactions and inform them about matters of society, culture and environment
    • Shape a framework of environmental / social approaches with our suppliers
    • Reinforce society and especially the vulnerable social groups
  4. Support the society of knowledge
    • Organise schools of entrepreneurship in sectors such as the agricultural development
    • Cooperate with the Universities of the country in the context of internships for their students
    • Provide support to educational institutions
    • Make studies more accessible through targeted educational scholarships
  5. Present the cultural heritage of our country
    • Promote the history of production in our country through thematic museums, publications and other activities
    • Provide scientific knowledge about our cultural heritage
    • Connect culture with environment
    • Protect and promote the archival material of the Group
    • Educate and sensitise citizens about our cultural heritage and a future of quality
  6. Protect the Environment
    • Reduce the operational environmental footprint of the Group
    • Develop strategies for combating the Bank’s risk from climatic change
    • Participate in the restoration and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
  7. Promote Green Entrepreneurship
    • Create products and services that support green entrepreneurship, through investments of sustainable growth for the fight against climate change and loss of biodiversity, having as main priority the creation and conservation of jobs
    • Strengthen companies, institutions and private individuals who invest in actions that benefit the environment and the society ensuring simultaneously the sustainability of their investments
  8. Support the New Generation
    • Reinforce young entrepreneurship
    • Contribute so that the new generation stays in our country
    • Create special learning programmes for young people
  9. Promote Innovation
    • Invest in innovative digital applications for customer information, banking services, the Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation Museums operation
    • Support business plans that promote innovation

Social Actions

Piraeus Bank Group has integrated volunteer social actions in its business activities with solidarity being its sole motive. The Group constantly adapts the economic, social and environmental impacts of its operation in a balanced approach of the triptych «economic development – sustainability – social cohesion». In that way, the Group reinforces and supports the institutions of family, education, health, our fellow citizens that were affected at a professional and personal level by the economic crisis, as well as entrepreneurship, the arts and sports with:

  • direct sponsorships
  • donations
  • volunteer employee actions
  • its cooperation with social, educational and research institutions, as well as non governmental organisations, and
  • Project Future, the new innovative corporate responsibility programme that links specialized trainings for young graduates to the job market


Co-operations with Non Governmental Organisations (mentioned indicatively):

  • ELEPAP Rehabilitation for the Disabled Children
  • SOS Children’s Villages Greece
  • MPOROUME food charity organisation

The Group aids ecclesiastical institution organisations, supporting through them vulnerable groups.

Reinforcing research and educational institutions (among others):

  • Higher Tertiary Educational Institutions
  • Public Research Centres
  • Studies Institutions
  • Social Educational Organisations
  • University Asset Management Companies

Strengthening Health Units:

  • «Agia Sophia» Children’s Hospital
  • Penteli Children’s Hospital
  • «Agios Panteleimon» General Hospital, Nikaia, Piraeus
  • «Papageorgiou» General Hospital, Thessaloniki
  • General University Hospital, Heraklion
  • Ofthalmiatreio, Ofthalmology clinic, Athens
  • «Agios Dimitrios» General Hospital, Thessaloniki
  • NIMTS Military Hospital, Athens

Support of Local Communities:

In 2014, Piraeus Bank made donations to 25 Municipalities in which it is active, as well as to various peripheries of the country, while it also supported beneficial actions of more than 30 social, sports and cultural associations, unions and local clubs.


Sports is – besides a social institution of educational character- a cultural commodity that reflects the social condition. In this context and in cooperation with the Hellenic Football Federation, the Bank contributed again in 2014 to the national effort of supporting greek sports as a proud Official Golden Sponsor of the National Football Team.

Promotion of Entrepreneurship:

The Group realises that the creation of an environment of business dialogue, information and education, helps the empowerment of the economy of the country. In 2014 there were sponsorships made to conferences, symposiums and daily seminars of professional institutions and chambers such as:

  • SBBE, Northern Greece Industries League
  • Union of Hellenic Chambers
  • Thessaloniki Chamber of Small and Medium Industries
  • Hellenic African Chamber of Commerce and Development
  • Hellenic Serbian Union of Commerce and Industry
  • Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers
  • Hellenic Management Association Macedonia Regional Department

In 2014, Piraeus Bank approved the continuation of the sponsorship of a special savings programme for 76 students of the Lipsi and Arki islands. This is a social action that started in 2009 from ex Geniki Bank, which was committed to deposit a fixed monthly amount for every child until they reached adulthood. The programme will be completed by Piraeus Bank in 2022, when the younger kids reach legal age. The aim of this action remains the practical contribution to the fruition of the future quests of the students of the frontier islands.

Subsidiaries Abroad

Piraeus Bank Group invests in Corporate Responsibility and abides by the principles of Sustainable Growth in its international network as well, with initiatives and actions that strengthen society and culture.


  • Sponsorship of the "Blagodotel" (benefactor) campaign in collaboration with Unicef. Since 2011, the Bank offers a special series of co-branded cards, the use of which contributes to the gathering of an amount of money which is later reinforced by the Bank, supporting in this way the work of Unicef for children with special social needs.
  • Donations and grants to humanitarian institutions and social offer actions for the support of low income pensioners, children with health problems, with no families, premature births, etc.
  • Participation in the European Money Week organized by the European Banking Federation in March 2017. Bank representatives gave lectures at various tertiary institutions to familiarize students with basic banking terms and activities.
  • Participation in the annual exhibition "Career Days" with the gathering of CVs and provision of professional career opportunities to Bulgarian university graduates.
  • Sponsorships of cultural character aiming at the preservation of social bonds and traditions and the rescue of national, historical and cultural heritage. Piraeus Bank Bulgaria is a sponsor of the action "Wonders of Bulgaria" organised by Standart News Bulgaria.
  • Sponsorships of visual art exhibitions of the Association of Bulgarian Artists. 


  • Blood donation for the 9th consecutive year in cooperation with the Albanian Red Cross.
  • Gathering goods voluntarily (food, clothes, toys, furniture etc), organising recreational actions and sponsorships to support vulnerable social groups such as the homeless, orphan children, people suffering from incurable diseases or who live under the poverty line, etc. Tirana Bank has steady co-operations to support the humanitarian initiatives of Municipalities and communities, with the Albanian Red Cross, the SOS Children’s Villages, the Down Syndrome Albania Foundation, Pediatric Clinic, etc.
  • Financial support for restoration of the historic Seferis building in Korytsa, the exterior refurbishment of a school in the Bunavi region and for the office equipment at the Medical Center in the Shijak region, the Public Health Division in Elbasan and the Saranda Branch of the University of Tirana.
  • Sponsorships of cultural character aiming at the preservation of social bonds and traditions and the rescue of national, historical and cultural heritage.
  • Sponsorship of the business exhibition to stimulate agriculture, cultivation of land and consumption of local products. The Exhibition was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Consumer Protection of Albania.
  • Promotion of sports ideals and fair play through the undertaking of sports sponsorships in cooperation with the Albanian Badminton Federation, the Youth Education Division of Korytsa, which organized the Volleyball and Basketball Championship.
  • Sponsorship of the exhibition ''Financial Education through Art", organized by Money Week in cooperation the Albanian Association of Banks. Young artists aged 9 worked with the painter Kosta Zhongo and created works of art with the concepts of finance.


  • Participation in the 25th Charity Race "Run for Chestnut Tree House", which aims to collect funds for the acquisition of equipment and goods for the Center for Pedriatic Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • Donation of books, goods and one PC to the Cheburashka orphanage as part of the broader social program "Library of Dreams". Piraeus Bank Ukraine donated books and colleagues visited the orphanage, where they spent the day playing, studying and giving gifts to the children.

Frankfurt Branch

  • Support and encouragement of business actions and synergies between Greece and Germany by participating to Greek-German Business Forums, trade exhibitions etc.
  • Sponsorships of events that promote Greek Culture and Art.

London Branch

  • Sponsorship of the Hellenic Bankers Association UK. The HBA_UK holds a key role in the dialogue for the promotion of the interests of bankers and financial professionals of Hellenic origin based in the United Kingdom.