Open Communication

In a constantly changing financial environment, steady route of Piraeus Bank Group to the future is consolidated through the complete and modern communication channels, the on time and accurate diffusion of information and knowledge.

Acknowledging the value of open, direct and two-sided communication, we, as a Group, have created multiple channels of information and communication, which we keep on developing and enriching.

Open communication is supported by various channels, such as:
  • The internal network (INTRANET), where all Group news –concerning business issues, operations and other - are posted.
  • Connected, the new digital communication channel of Piraeus Group employees.
  • Portal for our human resources which includes information regarding recruiting, remuneration & benefits, education, wellness, voluntarism, etc.
  • Internal networks of cooperation, operated by several units to ensure the most effective internal communication and the best coordination.
  • Internet access, as all employees have access to professional, news and financial websites.
  • Specialized electronic newsletters 
  • Regular unit meetings aimed at more effective coordination of their operation, the exchange of ideas and the diffusion of knowledge.
  • Focus groups, where specific issues concerning a particular unit or the Organization are discussed.
  • Interdepartmental workshops, where we reinforce the interdepartmental communication and cooperation, the exchange of innovative ideas that give prominence to diversity, as well as the formulation of a united perspective by organizing special workshops according to the call of changing conditions or any special project of the Group.
  • Corporate events and speeches, with the participation of top executives and high prestige speakers.
  • Performance review and Competencies appraisal.
  • Employees’ Culture and Engagement Surveys.

Further to the “official” form of communication, we strive for direct communication with our people by having a humane approach, staying in touch and supporting them in all dimensions of their lives. Thus, our people act and contribute to the continuous development of the Group through high level of commitment. At the same time, through daily contact, respect towards our colleagues, cooperation and teamwork, we build trust – we compose our common future together!