Banking is people

 Marathon is a special race. It needs patience and persistence,

 combining body and mind effort.

So many thoughts emotionally charged. You discuss everything with yourself and maybe it seems strange, but you find solutions. Perhaps, it is the expectation of finish line.

Marathon is an individual race but in order to join it, a whole group of friends, teammates, doctors and family are involved...

My career in the Banking Sector began in 1992 and, even if it seems like the journey began yesterday, I experienced everything. The effort for development, the crisis management and now the “come back”, the new start for Greece.

An ultra-Marathon.

Piraeus Bank, based on a new strategy, specific practices, strong partnerships, transparency, meritocracy and accountability, is contributing to the effort for the next day, the brain gain.

Because this is the dream. The comeback of the country and all sectors contributing to the income of the country, people and society!

My new position in SME’s, the backbone of the Greek Economy, gives me the opportunity to continue to support entrepreneurship in all over Greece with transparency, meritocracy and accountability.

Working as a team, we will succeed. Because success lies there, in cooperation, in people...

Banking is People!

Antonis Katraouras

Deputy General Manager, Commercial Banking