Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Within the Corporate Responsibility framework and aiming to ensure a healthy workplace, also by empowering the resiliency and wellbeing of our employees, since 2009 certified Employee Assistance Programs are provided, in collaboration with external partners.

EAPs provide:

  • 24/7 Help Line and Face to Face counseling to employees and their families.
  • Critical Incidents Stress Response Program (CISR).
  • Behavioral Risk Management Program (BRM).
  • Stress Management Program.
  • Sensitization information on psychosocial issues to employees and their families.
  • Counselling for career management for our employees’ children.

In 2017, Piraeus Bank was awarded by the International Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA), in the category: "EAP Quality Award" for the best implementation of the EAPs, according to the International EAPA standards.