

Our people are our greatest asset.

Our human capital is the driving force of growth and success in each goal we set. We have formed and sustain the strong corporate culture of Piraeus Bank through the combination of different cultures and experience, coming from 13 banks that have joined the Group since 1998. Through manpower planning we define specific staffing needs and we fill our vacancies with the most effective and objective way in terms of: skills, abilities, knowledge, work experience, etc.

We aim to objectively evaluate and select our people, according to business needs and criteria required by job descriptions. At the same time we focus to the alignment of their professional values with the Values and Vision of the Group.

We ensure confidentiality and privacy for all candidates. We trust our people and give priority to internal staffing within the Bank and subsidiaries.

At the same time, we monitor the market news and the trends in staffing issues, in order to consistently improve our expertise.


We aim to attract and retain high qualified workforce that share Piraeus  Group’s Vision and Values. We select people in whom we see the ability to develop and significantly contribute to the Group’s growth and development.

In Piraeus  Group, we rate as successful the selection of candidates, characterized by team spirit, initiative, and respect, great sense of responsibility, ethos and professionalism. Recruiting and Selection is based on the Principle of equal opportunities regardless of sex, race, age, religion, color, nationality, sexual orientation or physical ability.

Internal Staffing

Our primary objective is to cover our staffing needs through internal reassignments of human resources. By this way, we:

  • ensure the development of our human resources that have the skills to undertake in mid-term period senior roles.
  • provide incentives for development and career development to all our people, based on the design of specific individual development plans.
  • encourage the institution of international assignees, by relocating our people to Group’s subsidiaries abroad, so as to meet the best coverage of staffing needs by experienced and capable employees.


It is our strategic choice to financially support and strengthen the local communities, where we develop our activities.

Consequently, we place particular emphasis on locality for staffing of the Branch network. This policy allows us to better understand and serve the local needs thus contributing to the accomplishment of the Group’s goals.

Selection Process

We openly communicate career opportunities that arise within the Group. For each hiring transparent assessment procedures are followed. Each process is differentiated according to the level of the position and its requirements in specialized knowledge and professional experience, and may include:

  • interviews,
  • aptitude tests,
  • professional conduct tests,
  • automated psychometric tests,
  • other specialized evaluation procedures.

In order to apply single objective criteria, we invest in specialized tools. We continue to evaluate our people throughout their career within the Group with similar modern methods.