Work Environment

We provide a safe, modern and ergonomic work environment for our people. In addition, we give them the opportunity to be trained in a systemic way in order to deal effectively with everyday health and safety issues and receive first aid seminars.

Contemporary working environment

The workplaces combine the high aesthetic quality of modern design, incorporating ergonomic specifications, for the safety & health of our people.

Actions ensuring Health & safety within workplace

Fully aligned with the relevant legislation on ensuring safety at work, Piraeus Bank makes use of Occupational Doctors as well as Security Technicians covering the totality of the premises.

To be well prepared for cases of emergency, is an equally important part for ensuring the health & safety in the workplace.

Health and Wellbeing Practices for the Employees

  • Certified medical centers operate in central headquarters in Athens and Thessaloniki, staffed with doctors and specialized nurses. For the other premises, the entire services are provided by certified external provider.
  • To assist new mothers in their new role, our medical centers are equipped with lactation spaces.
  • First-aid training programs are planned for the employees, as well as interactive health and wellness presentations, with particular emphasis on the employees’ active participation towards managing wellbeing health issues.
  • Supply of special orthopedic / ergonomic seats to employees with musculoskeletal disorders (after evaluation).
  • Empowerment of the employees with stress management skills.
  • Disability Management with customized practices with regards to the employee needs.

Safety at Work

  • Continuous follow up of Fire Safety and Fire Protection teams for all premises of the Branch network as well as of the headquarters.
  • Fire-fighting training to the staff by the Fire Brigade Service.
  • Continuous training and specialized e learning.
  • Systematic fire drills to all premises of the Branch network as well as of the headquarters.
  • Systematic reporting to the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) on workplace accidents that lead to an employee’s absence of more than three calendar days, according to the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW) methodology.

Ergonomic principles and user comfort

Ergonomic principles and user comfort

Aim of Piraeus Bank is the adaptation of the working facilities to ergonomic standards, as well as to create internal environment conditions in order to ensure comfortable and efficient performance of work, health and physical integrity of employees.

Mobile equipment

In January 2017, 2.000 new ergonomic seats were ordered, which will be placed throughout the branch network within the current year (DIN EN 1335-1, 2, 3, DIN 4551, DIN4550 for seats). The desks are branded products that meet requirements of comfort and functionality. Piraeus Bank provides anatomical chairs and other orthopedic aids to those employees who are suffering from muscular-skeletal impairment. On-Site nursing service, with a semi-equipped office with a doctor and/or nurse inside the PB buildings that are being staffed with over 200 employees, provides access to first aid & medical treatment during working hour.


In workplaces, both natural and artificial lighting create appropriate working conditions. Led lighting source luminaires are used, which are certified by ENEC, CE, ISO and comply with European and national standards. Samples of luminaires have been tested and documented by the Lighting Laboratory of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) concerning their photo technical characteristics, by the High Voltage Laboratory of NTUA in terms of efficiency and safety as electrical appliances, and a photo technical study is being applied for each new lighting installation. A BMS system controls the lightning system creating high quality illumination at the working environment. Led lighting source luminaires, apart from energy saving, contributes to the safety of working environment since luminaires do not produce significant heat, do not emit hazardous chemicals and toxic materials or radiation.

Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning (HVAC)

A Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning (HVAC) system, is installed in all buildings and stores of Piraeus Bank, which controls and maintains temperature, humidity, movement, quality and purity of air, noise level and differential room pressure within predetermined limits for the comfort and health of users. The air conditioners are certified by Eurovent, CE, ISO and the overall design complies with ASHRAE guidelines and the national Regulation of the Energy Performance of Buildings. Technical Department pays attention to installing state of the art equipment and systems in all ongoing renovation projects. Every HVAC system is controlled both by users with local controls as well as centrally via a BMS system in a way that temperature always remain within users comfort zone and a healthy environment is maintained. BMS system also controls indoor air quality by measuring, with suitable sensors, gaseous pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) and regulates the introduction of fresh air into the space while exhausts inside air. Furthermore fresh and recirculating air, is subjected to mechanical cleaning from particulate matter through the filters of the HVAC system’s units.


The interior air conditioning system is designed and built in order to avoid aerodynamic noise and vibrations. Regarding external noise sources (air conditioning units, electric motors, etc.), anti-vibrating couplings or mountings are provided to prevent vibration, and noise-traps are used to reduce noise to lower levels according to legislation. In special cases, acoustic studies are performed by specialized scientists.

Work environment

Appropriate colors and textures/materials are applied to the surfaces of workplaces, as well as in fixed and mobile equipment (floors, ceilings, partitions, etc.), taking advantage of the positive effect they have on user's psychology and their correlation concerning illumination and noise reduction.