Purpose & Values

Our purpose is to be a pillar of stability for the Greek economy, to fuel growth and to promote innovation. We aim our footprint in society to be positive and lasting, for the benefit of our customers, our people, our shareholders and society at large, fully reflecting our values.

All aspects of the Group's activities embrace and serve our principles of Responsibility, Meritocracy and Transparency aiming to maximize value for all interested parties.

We invest in our people, because they are the most important asset of the organization. The common way we operate, make decisions and evolve, is at the core of everything we do for customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole and is the element that differentiates us as an organization.

In this way we express in practice our will to:

  • Create value in all we do
  • Challenge the frontiers
  • Enthuse our customers
  • Build relationships of trust

What we Stand for

Piraeus Group has established a unified culture based on the principles of accountability, meritocracy and transparency, aiming to be a pillar of stability for the Greek economy, to fuel growth and to promote innovation. Focusing on having a positive and lasting footprint in society, with benefits for our customers, our people, our shareholders and society, Piraeus Group is committed to constantly create value, to challenge the frontiers, to enthuse its customers and to build relationships of trust.

As Piraeus Group acknowledges the basic role held by human resources in the achievement of its corporate strategic goals and the management of challenges, it invests in the creation of strong relations with its employees, constantly improving the working environment and minimizing risks. It works towards a modern working environment that promotes open communication, high performance, and personal development for its people. At the same time, the Group makes sure to establish and implement policies that promote issues of ethics, trust, devotion, team spirit and acceptance of diversity in the workplace. Piraeus Group employs approximately 10,900 employees, being one of the largest employers in Greece.

Piraeus Group is committed to including social, environmental, and cultural aspects into its business practices and assumes initiatives over and above the legal obligations with the aim of enhancing social welfare and sustainable development.

In the framework of its activities and operations, the Group promotes regular communication with stakeholders, in order to fulfill their needs and expectations and to promptly and effectively respond to issues concerning them. The protection of their personal data, the use of new technologies to better serve their needs, the respect for human rights, the accessibility to financial services and the respect for the environment and culture as factors contributing to sustainable development, as well as issues related to corporate culture and corporate governance, value creation for the society and risk management, are strategic priorities for the Group.

Piraeus Bank is the only Greek bank to actively participate in the shaping of the global Principles for Responsible Banking, along with other 29 banks from around the world, members of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative – UNEP FI. The Principles set the global standard for what it means to be a responsible bank and will ensure that banks create value for both their shareholders and society. They provide the first global framework that guides the integration of sustainability across all business areas of a bank, from strategy to product portfolio management and transactions.

The goals for sustainable development, social contribution, and responsible banking behavior are fundamental components of Piraeus Group strategy, and resonate well with its business model and shared values of accountability, meritocracy and transparency.