Participation in Organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility Indices

Piraeus Bank participates in international initiatives and indices aimed at forwarding and promoting corporate responsibility to both the business world and the social environment, driven by sustainable development. Furthermore, by participating in this process, Piraeus Bank adopts self assessment mechanisms for its CSR policies and practices based on international standards and compared to international practices with the goal to continuously improve them.

Since 2004, Piraeus Bank has voluntarily been participating in the UN Global Compact, which pertains to ten principles in the areas of human rights, employment rights, environment protection and anti-corruption.

In 2011, with the completion of the certification process, the Bank’s Environmental Management Systems received EMAS and ISO 14001:2004 certification for all its branches and administration buildings in Greece.

Since 2002, Piraeus Bank has consistently been meeting the FTSE4Good Index criteria. This international index was established by FTSE in order to provide investors with ratings of companies that implement Corporate Responsibility programmes.

Apart from its membership in the UN Global Compact, the Bank also signed the Statement of accession to the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) in 2007, whereby more than 200 financial institutions from around the world pledge to take into account social and environmental criteria in their decision-making.

Piraeus Bank is the only Greek bank to have signed the Statement of “Caring for Climate: The business leadership platform” under the UN Global Compact, whereby 6,000 businesses world-wide demonstrate leadership in mobilizing the market to deal with climate change. At the same time, Piraeus Bank is a member of the Hellenic Corporate Responsibility Network.

Since 2009, the Piraeus Group’s Human Resources Division has emerged as one of the first corporations in Greece to have acquired the international certification ‘Investors in People’. This certification remains valid, depicting the Group’s ongoing commitment as a responsible employer, emphasizing on the improvement of its competitiveness and corporate performance through the effective management and development of its people.

Furthermore, Piraeus Bank also participates in the non-profit organization Carbon Disclosure Project, by providing data concerning the Bank’s environmental performance and actions.

Awards and Distinctions

Piraeus Group’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and to providing high-quality services has been recognized internationally in the last few years.

Piraeus Bank received the following distinctions and awards in 2011:

  • For the fourth consecutive year, Piraeus Bank received the CR Index award, ranking it in the Platinum Award category for the first time. It is the highest recognition awarded to the Bank as well as two other businesses in Greece. The prestigious and distinguished CR Index institution constitutes an important index in evaluating corporations’ Corporate Social Responsibility internationally.
  • Was awarded in the framework of the “BRAVO” Social Reporting Awards that the non-profit organization QualityNet Foundation organized for a second year.
  • THALES-CEO & CSR 2011 Award: Best Listed Company in Corporate Social Responsibility at the 2011 CEO&CSR Money Conference.
  • Was awarded by the European Finance Marketing Association (EFMA) for Best Approach to Social Media in Europe, concerning the “Think Green” platform, which formed an environmentally-conscious online user group with presence in the most popular social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr.
  • Ranked among the only 10 Greek businesses to be included in the worldwide list of top 1,000 socially responsible businesses, according to CRD Analytics’ rating in collaboration with JustMeans; with a higher ranking this year than in 2010.
  • Recognition of Piraeus Bank as “Best Consumer Internet Bank” in Greece, among the best e-banking service providers world-wide, by the international magazine “Global Finance”.
  • Recognition of Piraeus Bank Ukraine as the most dynamic bank and one of the best employers in the country by the business magazine "InvestGazeta" at the 2011 Ukrainian Banking Awards.
  • Piraeus Bank Bulgaria was awarded the first prize in the category “Cause-related Marketing” at the annual “Responsible Business Awards 2011” organised by the Bulgaria Business Leaders Forum for the “Blagodetel” (Benefactor) campaign in collaboration with Unicef.
  • In recognition of Piraeus Bank’s high standard of payment services, Deutsche Bank awarded it the “2011 EUR STP EXCELLENCE AWARD” (for the eighth consecutive year) and the “2011 US DOLLAR STP EXCELLENCE AWARD” (for the fourth consecutive year); similarly, JP Morgan awarded the Bank the "J.P. Morgan Elite Quality Recognition Award” in recognition of its high standards in the Funds Transfer services in dollars (for the third consecutive year).
  • The Cultural Foundation of Piraeus Group’s (PIOP) Museum Network was nominated for the 2011 Prince of Asturias Awards by the Hellenic Committee of ICOM and received “Special Mention” by Europa Nostra in the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage (category 3: Dedicated Service).