piraeus bank


Guarantees of Origin (GOs)

86% of energy consumption at the Bank’s buildings derived from RES’s, with Guarantees of Origin (GOs).

Photovoltaic systems

In 2017, 28 branches were fitted with photovoltaic systems (net metering), six (6) of which are fully operational. According to calculations based on the electricity bills, 30% of the electricity needs of the six branches is derived from the PV system.

Energy Control

In 2008, Piraeus Bank installed pilot Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) at 38 branches and buildings in various parts of Greece. In 2017, 300 BEMS were installed and by the end of 2018 they will be fitted in all the buildings.

BEMS record and control correctly selected parameters. Specifically, the following are fully controlled via BEMS:

  • Lighting: security and external neon signs
  • Air conditioning
  • Ventilation: time programming according to building operating hours.
  • Recording of malfunctions in real time and sending alarm warnings.

Energy Office

For the continuous reduction of its environmental footprint, Piraeus Bank aims for optimal operation and constant energy monitoring of its existing, as well as under-renovation buildings, through the adoption of energy-efficient technologies.

Taking the above into consideration, the Bank proceeded with the design of the Energy Office, an innovative environmental infrastructure programme, targeting energy and water saving. The Energy office software-programme monitors over 300 building infrastructures in real time. In 2018, the software- programme will monitor over 600 buildings. With the use of a special algorithm and by taking into account the energy profile of each Branch separately, improvement is expected in the environmental performance.

Indicatively, the Program offers:

  • Energy data comparison with the use of graphs among Branches,
  • By distance intervention in case of defects or damage.

With full operation of the Energy Office, the following benefits are expected:

  • Significant reduction of the Bank’s Environmental Footprint
  • Monitor and understanding of the energy profile of the buildings as well as additional improvements in equipment
  • Projections of operating cost reduction
  • Conditions improvements of thermal comfort of employees
  • Raising awareness of Bank’s employees and customers through graphics and energy data presented on screens in Branches and administration buildings.

Energy savings in lighting in buildings

During renovations of buildings, LED light bulbs were installed where possible. The installation is preceded by photometric studies that aim at achieving high quality of lighting and energy saving.
In 2017, compared to 2013, the reduction of installed Lighting Power Density reached 65%.

At the end of 2017, replacement of external sign lighting bulbs with LED ones at Branches commenced. Energy saving owing to the operation of external signs is around 50%. The total energy consumption of the Branches shows a 5% decrease.
At the beginning of 2018, the Bank replaced the external signs in 169 branches, aiming to expand the replacement to all Bank branches, considering the significant economic benefits.

Water Saving

After 2005, in the Bank's branches already dual flush water systems are already in use, and since 2008, the installation of controlled-flow faucets of limited time in the new stores and the Administrative Units has been piloted. In each refurbished store, such taps are placed in order to reduce the unnecessary use of water.

Compared to 2016, total water consumption decreased by 6% and the corresponding total water consumption per worker by 2%. Every BEMS Energy Control System Branch has a water consumption counter. In this way, the total water consumption in the Branch is monitored in real time.

Additionally, in 2017 a pilot environmental program commenced with the installation of water-saving filters in 40 faucets at 10 Bank branches. The specific program is to be extended to 2018 as well.

Green Procurement

ΣPiraeus Bank applies a green procurement policy since 2005. More specifically, the Bank selects environmentally-friendly products (chlorine free FSC paper, recycled consumables, light bulbs, replacement of company fleet with low fuel-consumption vehicles, gradual replacement of electric and electronic equipment with energy-efficient appliances) which contribute to, among others, reducing the environmental footprint and awareness-raising of employees about green supplies.

Since 2015, Piraeus Bank uses paper certified under FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for the documents to be sent to customers (account statements, loan statements, notice letters, transactions confirmations, stock exchange statements, trade order confirmations).

In 2017, 74% of the total amount of paper consumed is eco-label or FSC. Electrical and electronic equipment (screens, laptops and refurbished computers) are gradually being replaced with energy-efficient appliances ("energy star" label). The rating company “oekom research” graded Piraeus Bank with A+, for its IT procurements.