piraeus bank

Solid Waste Management

Paper Recycling

Piraeus Bank has made a major effort to recycle discarded paper . It operates a special recycling programme on its facilities. Within the framework of this programme it has placed paper recycling bins at all sites (branches and all management units).

From 2008 to 2017 Piraeus Bank has recycled more than 6,300 tonnes of paper.

Toners and Ink Cartridges Recycling

It has been calculated that each employee at Piraeus Bank consumes about 3-4 ink cartridges and toners annually. Around 3.1 litres of oil are required to manufacture the plastic part of an ink cartridge, while 8.6 kg of CO2 are emitted. Moreover, an ink cartridge disposed at a landfill requires more than 450 years to decompose. The consumption of ink cartridges and toners is as important as that of paper and therefore Piraeus Bank has launched used ink cartridge collection programmes, and their disposal has been assigned to a company for reuse.
The collection of ink cartridges and toners programme is applied in all branches and administration buildings and between 2008 and 2017 142,000 items have been sent for reuse / recycle.

Battery Recycling

Piraeus Bank contributes to the effort to recycle batteries by placing special "AFIS" bins throughout its Network of branches and administration buildings. Participation in the recycling of batteries is not limited to the Bank's employees; it also allows the public to participate.
From 2008 to 2017, a total of more than 80 tonnes of batteries had been recycled.

EEE Recycling

From 2008 to 2017, Piraeus Bank delivered about 330 tonnes of obsolete electronic devices to APPLIANCES RECYCLING S.A. (a recycling company). The recycling of materials used to construct electrical and electronic equipment prevents large quantities of substances from polluting the environment. For instance, the toxic substances contained in various devices are: Lead, Nickel, Cadmium, Mercury etc.