piraeus financial holdings

Trastor REIC

Trastor REIC is the first real estate investment company to be established in Greece, under law 2778/99 and it is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (TRASTOR:GA).

The Company invests in quality real estate assets and through active asset management delivers attractive returns to its shareholders. Trastor REIC is managed by an experienced team of professionals with extensive experience in the Greek real estate market.

As of 31.12.2023 Trastor REIC owns a portfolio of 55 assets with over €468.7 million of gross asset value, comprised of 8 mixed-use assets, 20 office buildings, 1 parking station, 12 high street retail, 8 logistics centers, 1 shopping center, 2 gas stations, and 3 land plots. The total gross leasable area of the portfolio is 288.7 thous. sq.m.