Awards & Distinctions

Piraeus Bank improved its overall ESG Rating Score to 4.1/5 (from 3.6/5) and is ranked on the top 29% of the most sustainable banks in the world (2019).

Piraeus Bank is a constituent of the FTSE4Good Emerging Index of FTSE Russel Group (extra financial rating agency) since 2016.

2019 awards
Piraeus Bank is a constituent of the “Vigeo Eiris’ Best Emerging Markets (EM) Performers” sustainability index, following its upgrade on level “Advanced Performance” (score 60/100), by the extra-financial rating agency VIGEO-EIRIS.

Piraeus Bank is ranked at level Medium, scoring C- (scale: from A + to D-) and ranks above average in relation to the 251 assessed companies in the financial sector (2019).
ISS-oekom, an extra-financial rating agency, presents and supports responsible and sustainable solutions in the global investing community.

ISS Corporate Solutions
Piraeus Bank received an excellent rating of "1: HIGHER DISCLOSURE" from ISS in both the Environmental and Social pillar.
In the Corporate Governance pillar, the Bank's rating is 5 (Oct 2019).

The excellent rating indicates transparency in the Bank's practices and the high-level management of the environmental and social risks. ISS-oekom, an extra-financial rating agency, presents and supports responsible and sustainable solutions in the global investing community.

Piraeus Bank is the only greek bank to be included in the Ethibel EXCELLENCE Investment Register of Forum Ethibel (2019), highlighting the Bank's commitment to Corporate Responsibility.

In June 2019, Piraeus Factoring achieved another worldwide distinction from the International Factors Chain International (FCI), with more than 400 members in 90 countries worldwide, ranking 4th as Export Factor in terms of the quality of services provided.

2019 awards
PICAR S.A. received the one and only prominent award ‘’Retail Mall & Park’’ for City Link at the RetailBusiness Awards 2019, the established institution for the Greek Retail and Industry.

2019 awards
PICAR S.A. received a prominent award for City Link at Event Awards 2019: Silver Award for “Venue Experience”.

events 2019 award
PICAR S.A. received a prominent award for City Link at Event Awards 2019: Bronze Award for “Seasonal Events/Pre – Christmas Ball Party 2018”.