piraeus bank

Environmental Management Policy 

Piraeus Bank acknowledges that energy sources are not inexhaustible and should, therefore, be used in a responsible way. Therefore, the Bank's contribution to the protection of the environment has two dimensions, an internal and an external one. The internal dimension refers to the Bank's efforts to decrease the environmental impacts of its operation. The external dimension concerns the Bank's efforts to increase the environmental awareness of its customers, and also to support actions outside the Bank, which concern a more general conservation of the environment for future generations. In order to satisfy this objective, an Environmental Management System in compliance with the EMAS European Regulation is being applied.

The management of Piraeus Bank is committed to: the ongoing implementation of the Environmental Management System and its continuous improvement; the compliance with the international and national regulations in effect and the codes of conduct that refer to the Bank’s operation; the preventive and corrective measures to be taken in order to avoid the degradation of the internal and external environment. The continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System will be achieved by means of review and revision of the System and of the set management targets. All persons working for Piraeus Bank are obliged to follow the relevant procedures and working guidelines, including any amendments these that may derive from the implementation of the Environmental Management System.

Within this framework, the general objectives of environmental management for the company are as follows:
  • continuous monitoring in view of undertaking preventive or corrective initiatives for more productive use of resources required for efficient operation of the Bank;
  • continuous awareness-raising among employees on environmental issues;
  • continuous efforts to reduce potential impacts on the environment by improving banking services and products provided;
  • publication of environmental impacts from the operation of Piraeus Bank, and also measures taken to mitigate these impacts;
  • preservation and improvement of the company's reputation and prestige as regards environmental protection.
These general objectives will be achieved by applying control, monitoring and measurement methods for all processes included in operations for designing and producing products/services, procurement and cooperation, technical support etc, and also by defining specific measurable management objectives. Within the framework of the application of environmental policy and the achievement of existing or reviewed environmental aims and objectives, the Bank will provide all resources required and will implement environmental management programmes, which shall be notified to all stakeholders.