Piraeus Financial Holdings

Shareholders’ Registry

The Shareholder Registry is responsible to provide direct and symmetric information to all shareholders, as well as assist them in exercising their rights according to the law and Piraeus Financial Holdings' Articles of Association.
Its responsibilities are:
  • to deliver immediate, correct and equal service to all shareholders with regard to:
    • dividend distribution, acts of new share issues, allocation, subscription, disclaimer and conversion thereof, time limits within which rights should be exercised or changes in the initial time limits;
    • transfer of shares due to inheritance, the issue of certificates of corporate actions (dividend distributions, share capital increases, distribution of fractional rights)
    • information about Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders and resolutions thereof;
  • to distribute the Annual Financial Report to the shareholders at the Annual Ordinary General Meeting, according to the regulations, as well as all the published corporate publications in hard-copy or electronic form upon request,
  • to keep and update the Company's shareholder registry, according to effective legislation. To this end, the Shareholder Registry is responsible for all communications with the Hellenic Exchanges SA.