Election of Independent Non - Executive BoD Member in replacement of a resigned member

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no 596/2014, ATHEX Exchange Rulebook and Law 4706/2020, Piraeus Financial Holdings S.A. (“Company”) announces that the Board of Directors at its meeting held on February 22, 2024, elected, following respective recommendation of the Nomination Committee, Ms. Maria Semedalas father’s name Ilias, as an Independent Non – Executive Member of the Board of Directors, in replacement of the resigned member Ms Francesca Tondi, for the remaining BoD term of office, namely until 27.06.2026, which may be extended until the Annual General Meeting convened after such term has lapsed.

Ms. Maria Semedalas is an international Banking Executive with extensive experience in Retail, Corporate and Investment Banking in complex and multinational organizations. She started her long career at the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago. She continued in Europe, in senior roles at Northern Trust Company (London), at Citibank (London & Greece), at JP Morgan Chase (London) and at BNY Mellon (London). She has held a broad range of roles, including CFO, and has also experience in Internal Audit, Accounting and Financial Management, Technology and Third-Party Governance.


Further to the above, the Board of Directors of the Company was reconstituted as follows:

Chairman of the Board

- George Handjinicolaou, father’s name Peter, Non – Executive Member

Vice – Chairman

- Karel De Boeck, father’s name Gerard, Independent Non – Executive Member, Senior Independent Director

Executive Board Members

- Christos Megalou, father’s name Ioannis, Managing Director (CEO)

- Vasileios Koutentakis, father’s name Dimitrios

Independent Non – Executive Board Members

- Venetia Kontogouris, father’s name Gerasimos

- Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani, father’s name Clemente

- David Hexter, father’s name Richard

- Solomon Berahas, father’s name Albert

- Andrew Panzures, father΄s name Deones

- Anne Weatherston, father΄s name John

- Maria Semedalas, father’s name Ilias

Non – Executive Board Members

- Alexander Blades, father’s name Zisis

- Periklis Dontas, father’s name Nikolaos, HFSF Representative under Law 3864/2010

The election of the new member of the Board of Directors of the Company will be announced to the next General Meetings of the Shareholders. It is also noted that the procedure for the fit and proper assessment of the new member under the legislative and regulatory framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism of the European Central Bank is already in progress.

Athens, 23 February 2024