Piraeus Bank is named Best Bank in Greece by Euromoney

Piraeus Bank was named Best Bank in Greece for 2023 by international magazine, Euromoney in its Awards for Excellence 2023. The international financial publication that specialises in banking, considered financial performance, the continuous improvement of the Bank's key indicators and the consistent implementation of its strategic plan.

The award highlights the performance of Piraeus Bank and has recognised the bank’s leading role in the Greek market. Piraeus Bank brought non-performing exposures down from 13% of loans in 2021 to 6.8% by the end of 2022, it has also grown customer deposits by €3 billion year on year, expanded its book of performing and new credits, all while cutting total operating expenses by 5% in 2022.

Piraeus Bank also invested heavily in developing a wide array of digital banking services, within the framework of its overall transformation program, which covers the branches of business and retail banking, as well as the internal reorganization of the Bank.

Finally, it was also taken into account that Piraeus Bank is a leader in matters of climate change, environmental protection and sustainable development, while it is the only Greek company included in the list of "Europe's Climate Leaders" of the Financial Times for 2023, for the third year in a row.

Euromoney’s Awards for Excellence were established in 1992 and were the first of their kind in the global banking industry. They remain the worldwide gold standard in this regard and are determined by an editorial panel of judges following a three-month research and interview process.

Athens, July 20th, 2023