Main Executive, Administrative and other Committees and Councils of Piraeus Bank

Group Planning & Monitoring Committee

The Committee consists of eleven members, chaired by Group CFO. Members of the Committee are Executive General Managers and General Managers. The Committee is supported by an Executive Secretary.

The Committee convenes on a monthly basis and its main duties are the systematic discussion, development of arguments over alternative options, monitoring and provision of guidelines for the preparation of projects, plans or submissions, before they are submitted for information or approval to the relevant bodies of the Bank (Group Executive Committee, BoD Committees, Board of Directors):

  1. Group Business Plan
  2. Group NPE Plan
  3. Group’s Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
  4. Group’s Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP)
  5. Group Budget
  6. Group Recovery Plan
  7. MREL Issuance Plan (in cooperation with Resolution Planning SteerCo)

Asset - Liability Management Committee (ALCO)

The Committee consists of eight members, chaired by Group CEO and its Vice Chairman being one Executive General Manager of the Bank. Members of the Committee are Executive General Managers, one General Manager and one Advisor to the Management of the Bank. The Committee is supported by an Executive Secretary.

The Committee meets monthly and its main duties are the implementation of the Bank's strategy in developing assets and liabilities; the management of assets and liabilities exercising at the same time a pricing policy in products and services; the approval for the introduction of new deposit or loan products, the follow-up of equity adequacy in relation to the risks, the examination of stress test scenarios and the decision making on preserving the available Group liquidity at acceptable levels.

Senior Credit Committee

The Committee consists of five members, chaired by an Advisor to the Management of the Bank. The members of the Committee are three Executive General Managers, among them is the Group Chief Risk Officer and one Advisor to the Management of the Bank, while the Committee is supported by an Executive Secretary.

The Committee regularly convenes on a weekly basis, being competent to approve credits and risk taking. Its responsibilities regard Piraeus Bank and consolidated subsidiaries.

Recovery Credit Committee

The Committee consists of five members, chaired by an Advisor to the Management of the Bank. The members of the Committee are two Executive General Managers, among them is the Group Chief Risk Officer and two General Managers, while the Committee is supported by an Executive Secretary.

The Committee regularly convenes on a weekly basis and approves issues related to the borrowers that are managed by NPE Management Unit and International Banking. Its responsibilities regard Piraeus Bank and consolidated subsidiaries.

Expenses Committee

The Committee consists of four members, with the Group Chief Financial Officer as its Chairman.

The members of the Committee are Top Management Executives of the Bank. The Committee is supported by an Executive Secretary.

The Committee convenes on a fortnight basis and it is responsible for the approval of all types of expenses, investments in fixed assets or their disposal as well as investments in the Bank’s infrastructures.