
We recognize the importance of providing an accessible website designed for all. For this reason we constantly aim to find solutions for our clients and make their life easier.

Whenever is feasible, we follow the guidelines created by W3C and WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) and the suggestions from people with experience in using screen readers.

Considering the idea of “Design for all” we aimed to offer an easy-to-see website, by using certain color combinations and clear font in an acceptable size.

Website’s Navigation Tips

  • Use quick access links. We have added links at the top of our pages in order to skip the menus and to lead to the main content. There is a link to direct you to the search field.
  • Navigate by headings. The structure of the website is designed to use the shortcuts of your screen reader to navigate from heading to heading.
  • Images’ alternative text. All images are combined with text in order to be readable by screen reader.
  • The links redirect you to where it say so, and we don’t use “click here”
  • The color combination that we use help to achieve the most satisfying – for the eye- contrast. If the default one is not convenient for you, you can select the 2 alternative combinations available
  • If you are not happy with the certain font size then you are able to change it and the website structure will still be readable.


For those who are familiar with the WCAG standards we have achieved the A conformance Level but we aim for AA compliance.