- The Chairman of the BoD supervises the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP)Organizational Structure 23.09.2024
* With administrative Reporting Line to the Group General Counsel
** Board Ethics & ESG Committee is only established at the parent company, Piraeus Financial Holdings. Piraeus Bank follows a similar ESG governnance structure at BoD and BoD Committees level
Piraeus Bank Organisational Charts
Piraeus Financial Holdings Organisational Charts
Management Circular 1476/05.07.2023 1. The Group CFO (Group Executive Committee Member) supervises Group Business Planning, IR & ESG.
2. The Group Executive Committee Member supervises Insurance Business and Consulting Services.
3. The Head of Internal Audit and the Internal Audit unit report to the BoD through the Audit committee and for administrative matters to the CEO.
4. The Compliance & Risk Officer and the Compliance & Risk unit report to: a)the Risk Committee b)the BoD through the Audit Committee and c)the CEO for administrative issues.
5. Dotted reporting line to the CEO as per his role as Chairman of Piraeus Bank’s Corporate Responsibility Committee.
6. The Head of Insurance Business supervises the wholly owned subsidiary “Piraeus Agency Solutions”.
Piraeus Financial Holdings Financial Holding Company
Listed on Athex Organisational chart
* >5% holding