Piraeus Bank Group's environmental management
The ESG Unit is responsible for the monitoring, management and reduction of the environmental impacts connected to Piraeus’s activities. The ESG Unit collects data at regular intervals from the relevant Piraeus’ Divisions, processes data with the help of the Environmental Footprint Database (EcoTracker) and draws conclusions by monitoring the special indices that measure its environmental and energy performance. It then sets targets and designs programs for reducing Piraeus’s environmental and carbon footprint.Environmental and Energy Management System
Piraeus, in the context of its commitment for constant reduction of its operational environmental impacts, has developed and implements an Environmental and Energy Management System (EEMS) in all its branches and administration buildings.The EEMS provides a comprehensive framework for recording, monitoring and ultimately improving the environmental aspects directly linked to Piraeus’s operations and activities.
Through the EEMS, Piraeus sets goals for continuous improvement and implements relevant environmental and energy related programs to achieve these goals.
The EEMS is certified in accordance with Standards ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2018 and EMAS (Environmental Management Audit Scheme) Regulation.
As part of the certification scheme, Piraeus’s Environmental Statement is compiled annually and certifies its compliance with the EMAS regulation. The Statement is verified by an external audit and submitted to the relevant department of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
Environmental and Energy Programs
Environmental and energy goals are achieved through the implementation of environmental and energy related programs, with the involvement of employees. These programs are related to energy efficiency, resource efficiency such as printing paper and water consumption, business travel, recycling, the adoption of new practices, such as electronic banking and paperless office, green procurement, as well as reduction of GHG emissions from Piraeus’s operations (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 cat. 1-14).Environmental and Energy Targets
Piraeus Bank sets annually environmental and energy-related targets through a specific process within the Environmental and Energy Management System. Α continuous improvement of the organization’s environmental and energy performance is achieved, through the systematic evaluation, monitoring and reduction of Piraeus’s main environmental impacts.
Carbon Footprint Calculation Database (EcoTracker) tool
Piraeus, via the Carbon Footprint Calculation Data Base (EcoTracker) monitors the environmental impacts that derive from its operation, i.e. energy and water, expendables’ consumption and staff commuting. The tool works in combination with two other applications: the “Energy Office”, which measures through sensors the energy and water consumption in the facilities of Piraeus in real time and the “Bill Management” that feeds Eco Tracker directly with energy data from electricity providers.
Through the Carbon Footprint Calculation Data Base (EcoTracker):
- The collection of data for calculating Piraeus’s carbon footprint is automated;
- The bulk of the environmental data is processed and cross checked faster and safer;
- A more comprehensive environmental reporting is produced.
The greatest benefit arising from the use of the EcoTracker is that Piraeus achieves a coherent implementation of the Environmental and Energy Management System and other environmental and energy programs that ultimately have as a result the reduction of Piraeus’s operational costs.
The Carbon Footprint Calculation Data Base (EcoTracker) also helps in the calculation of the total carbon emission Scope 1, 2, 3 (cat. 1-14). The application follows the data collection and process methodology that is developed according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).
Monitoring of Environmental Legislation
Piraeus minitors the latest development of Environmental Legislation and Case Law on a regular basis to proactively response to regulatory developments in the fields of environmental management, energy and sustainability.