Working with us
΅΅We strive to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.
Our people
In Piraeus Group, our human capital is the driving force of growth and success in each goal we set.
Open communication
In a constantly changing financial environment, steady route of Piraeus Bank Group to the future is consolidated through the complete and modern communication channels, the on time and accurate diffusion of information and knowledge.
Read more Health and safety
We ensure a healthy and safe working environment for our Group's employees by incorporating appropriate ergonomic specifications.
Read more Employee assistance programs (EAPs)
Αiming to ensure a healthy workplace, also by empowering the resiliency and wellbeing of our employees, since 2009 certified employee assistance programs are provided, in collaboration with external partners.
Read more Remuneration & benefits
In Piraeus Group, we reward our people according to their competencies and contribution. Aiming at attracting the most skilled professionals in the field and encouraging their personal development in the Group, we offer a competitive remuneration package. Piraeus Group provides incentives and rewards -ethically and materially- employees that contribute to Group’s development in a distinctive way.
Read more Collective representation
We aim at the strengthening of the dialogue with the representatives of our human resources in order to consolidate a better working environment. We discuss their requests and we achieve consensual solutions to issues arising in the workplace.
Read more Business ethics
Piraeus Bank Group acknowledges its responsibility for a working environment that promotes respect and equal opportunities by establishing the human rights policy, employee regulation, code of conduct and ethics, and the policy and procedure on preventing and fighting workplace discrimination, violence and harassment.
Read more Useful information