Career opportunities in Piraeus Group

Our people are our greatest asset.

Staffing of the Group

We aim to objectively evaluate and select our people, according to business needs and criteria required by job descriptions. At the same time we focus to the alignment of their professional values with the Values and Vision of the Group.

We ensure confidentiality and privacy for all candidates. We trust our people and give priority to internal staffing within the Bank and subsidiaries.

At the same time, we monitor the market news and the trends in staffing issues, in order to consistently improve our expertise.
Career opportunities in Piraeus Group

Our most valuable asset

We have formed and sustain the strong corporate culture of Piraeus Bank through the combination of different cultures and experience, coming from 13 banks that have joined the Group since 1998. Through manpower planning we define specific staffing needs and we fill our vacancies with the most effective and objective way in terms of skills, abilities, knowledge, work experience, etc.

Selection process

We openly communicate career opportunities that arise within the Group. For each hiring transparent assessment procedures are followed. Each process is differentiated according to the level of the position and its requirements in specialized knowledge and professional experience, and may include:

  • interviews,
  • aptitude tests,
  • professional conduct tests,
  • automated psychometric tests,
  • other specialized evaluation procedures.

In order to apply single objective criteria, we invest in specialized tools. We continue to evaluate our people throughout their career within the Group with similar modern methods.

How we select executives

Our human capital is the driving force of growth and success in each goal we set.

Career opportunities in Piraeus Group

Professional development

At Piraeus Group our people’s development is an integral part of our culture, with many aspects and practical applications.

Continuous education

We want to have the most skilled professionals in the field. This is achieved by skills, knowledge, a suitable environment, encouragement and proper leadership. So, we invest consistently in our people’s continuous training using modern methods, specialized learning tools and channels such as eLearning, webinars.

Organizational excellence and continuity constitute our basic values and the development of leaders, who are capable to operate with competency, security, self-confidence and efficiency their role, contributing to the achievement of Group’s strategic goals, is directly associated with them.

Thus, a wide range of in-house or outdoor, with the cooperation of distinguished partners, development programs and actions are provided, aiming to the enrichment of managerial knowledge as well as the development and reinforcement of leadership skills and attitudes of our people.


By utilizing modern evaluating systems (annual review, 360° evaluation, executive development centers, specialized psychometric tools), by designing career paths and by identifying and developing talents in the Group, we achieve continual development and progress of our people as well as their commitment to Piraeus Group’s vision.


We emphasize to the continual enforcement and development of Group’s employees, who deliver high performance, through the professional and personal guidance of senior executives - as the Group’s benchmark – with long-term presence and experience.

We aim at the strengthening of our values as well as the enforcement of a continuity, supportive, growth and open communication climate in our organization.

Work at Piraeus Bank Group

In a constantly changing digital Banking environment, our people operate flexibly, seek to develop innovative solutions and form a responsible attitude, expressing the Group’s vision for a positive impact on the economy, the society and the environment.